Friday, June 26, 2009

The Doors are Shut Forever

The Questions never stop. Does Pain signify want? Why is it that open doors shut so soon and doors that are shut never open? Are relationships meant to change? Why is it that a person who who meant the world to you just turns away at the next junction and walks a road away? Is it too bad to want another opportunity to be together? Or such an arduous task to grant it?

Two months is an incredibly long period of silence- and in two months of remembrance I learnt that
1- It takes an incredibly long time to know someone to some depth
2- In this period some moments experienced are so divine- so sublime, you feel Godliness really exists
3- It takes so little to break something so wonderful.
4- And the resentment starts to creep and the beauty of something that exists only in the mind, starts to slowly vaporize
5-It is difficult to let go of this resentment- and that eventually destroys something that was so beautiful.
6- The doors of heart and mind- that same door that allowed you to passage start to shut.
7- Doors of the mind and heart, once shut, never open.


  1. Don't cry because it's over but smile because it happened. You have a beautiful gift when it comes to penning your thoughts and feelings. Looking forward to reading some cheerful stuff in thr future :)

  2. dude, live life.. what you had was amazing, but the life will give you much better.. you wont even know and the doors will start openning.. slowly.. and before you will evn know it.. you will be blown away..

  3. Thanks Sid! I'm sure doors will start opening and i do honestly hope that life gets a little better everyday
